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5 Şubat 2009 Perşembe

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Página provisória
Nombre Url Idioma Descripción
Historia del idioma turco Español Información sobre el país
Buscador turco Turco Buscador de muchos temas, inclusive los idiomas
Aprender turco Español Expresiones, pronunciación, orígenes e información sobre el país.
Diccionario turco-inglés Turco Tiene las instrucciones en inglés
Aprende turco Inglés Historia, alfabeto turco, pronunciación, lecciones
Langue turc Francés Conversación, frases, historia, información sobre Turquía.
Turco Francés Métodos, bibliografía,
Lengua turca Francés Bibliografía, dónde estudiar, diccionarios, enlaces, bajarse letras turcas para el PC.
Lengua turca y literatura Inglés Enlaces a estos dos temas. Algunos en inglés y otros en turco.
Lengua turca y Turquía Francés Posibilidad de verlo en alemán, inglés y turco. Enlaces sobre Turquía y la lengua turca.
Turkish Language Inglés Enlaces para el aprendizaje de este idioma.

(These Turkish links were checked and updated on 30 December 2003)

Language Learning for Foreigners:

Language Learning for Native Speakers:



(These Turkish Press links were checked and updated on December 29, 2003)


Online Radio and TV:







Language games:

For children:


History and Culture:

Nature and Sports:



Turkish Cuisine:



Summer Courses:


  • Converter - Turkish liras at the exchange rate of the day

Searching Turkish sites:

Knowing Turkish, you only have to make a relatively small effort to understand other Turkic languages such as Azeri, Turkmen, Tatar, Uzbek, Kazakh, Kyrgyz. The best way to achieve this is by reading (and listening to) documents in these languages. This page wants to provide you with the opportunity to get in contact with Turkic languages on the Web. Documents are selected solely from a linguistic point of view.

(Warning: Türkçestan's links have been copied without our permission and included without reference to our site into the Altaistic Links page of Only the present version is being updated by us on a regular basis. - Johan Vandewalle 15/06/2002)

Türkçe, Türkiye Türkçesi / the Turkish language / la langue turque / die türkische Sprache / de Turkse taal

Osmanlıca, Osmanlı Türkçesi / the Ottoman Turkish language / la langue turque ottomane / die osmanisch-türkische Sprache / de Ottomaans Turkse taal

(These Ottoman links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Gagauzca / Gagavuzca, Gagavuz Türkçesi / the Gagauz language / la langue gagaouze / die gagausische Sprache / de Gagaoezische taal

(These Gagauz links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Azärbaycanca / Azerice, Azeri Türkçesi / the Azerbaijani language / la langue aserbeidjanaise / die aserbeidschanische Sprache / de Azerbaidjaanse taal

(These Azeri links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Türkmençe / Türkmence, Türkmen Türkçesi / the Turkmen language / la langue turkmène/ die türkmenische Sprache / de Turkmeense taal

(These Turkmen links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Çağatay tili / Çağatayca, Çağatay Türkçesi / the Chagatay language / la langue tchagatai/ die tschaghataische Sprache / de Tsjagatai taal

(These Chaghatai links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

O'zbekcha / Özbekçe, Özbek Türkçesi / the Uzbek language / la langue ouzbèque/ die ösbekische Sprache / de Oezbeekse taal

(These Uzbek links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Uyğurça / Uygurca, Uygur Türkçesi / the Uyghur language / la langue ouigoure / die uigurische Sprache / de Oeigoerse taal

(These Uyghur links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Sarığ Yoğur / Sarı Uygurca, Sarı Uygur Türkçesi / the Yellow Uighur (Yugur) language / la langue des Ouïgours Jaunes / die gelb-uigurische Sprache / de Geel-Oeigoerse taal

(These Yugur links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Xakas tili / Hakasça, Hakas Türkçesi / the Khakas language / la langue khakas / die chakassische Sprache / de Chakassische taal

(These Khakass links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Tofaca, Tofa Türkçesi / the Tofa language / la langue tofa / die tofa Sprache / de Tofa taal

(These Tofa links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Qırım Tatarçası / Kırım Tatarcası, Kırım Tatar Türkçesi / the Crimean Tatar language / la langue tatare de la Crimée / die Krimtatarische Sprache / de Krimtataarse taal

(These Crimean Tatar links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Tatarça / Tatarca, Tatar Türkçesi / the Tatar language / la langue tatare / die tatarische Sprache / de Tataarse taal

(These Tatar links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Başqortsa / Başkurtça, Başkurt Türkçesi / the Bashkir language / la langue bachkire / die baschkirische Sprache / de Basjkirische taal

(These Bashkir links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Altayça / Altayca, Altay Türkçesi / the Altai language / la langue altai / die altaische Sprache / de Altai taal

(These Altai links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Nogayşa / Nogayca, Nogay Türkçesi / the Nogay language / la langue nogaï / die nogaische Sprache / de Nogaise taal

(These Nogay links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Kumuk til / Kumukça, Kumuk Türkçesi / the Kumyk language / la langue kumyk / die kumükische Sprache / de Kumykse taal

(These Kumyk links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Qazaqşa / Kazakça, Kazak Türkçesi / the Kazakh language / la langue kazaque/ die kasachische Sprache / de Kazachse taal

(These Kazakh links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Kırgızça / Kırgızca, Kırgız Türkçesi / the Kyrgyz language / la langue kirghize / die kirgisische Sprache / de Kirgizische taal

(These Kirghiz links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Şor tili / Şorca, Şor Türkçesi / the Shor language / la langue chor / die schorische Sprache / de Sjor taal

(These Shor links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Qaraçayça / Karaçayca, Karaçay Türkçesi / the Karachay language / la langue Karatchai / die karatschaische Sprache / De Karatsjai taal
Balqarça / Balkarca, Balkar Türkçesi / the Balkar language / la langue balkare / die balkarische Sprache / de Balkar taal

(These Karachay links / Karachay Balkar links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Tıva dıl / Tuvaca, Tuva Türkçesi / the Tuvan language / la langue touvane / die tuwanische Sprache / de Toevaanse taal

(These Tuvinian links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Çuvaşça, Çuvaş Türkçesi / the Chuvash language / la langue tchouvache / die tschuwaschische Sprache / de Tsjoewasjische taal

(These Chuvash links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Saha tili / Yakutça, Yakut Türkçesi / the Yakut language / la langue yakoute / die jakutische Sprache / de Jakoetische taal

(These Yakut links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Kuman Türkçesi / the Cuman language / la langue comane / die komanische Sprache / de Komaanse taal

(These Cuman links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Karay Türkçesi / the Karaim language / la langue karaite / die karaimische Sprache / de Karaitische taal

(These Karaim links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Orhon Türkçesi / the Orkhon Turkic language / la langue turque de l'Orkhon / die Orchon-türkische Sprache / de Orchon-Turkse taal

(These Orkhon Turkic links / Old Turkic links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)

Eski Uygurca, Eski Uygur Türkçesi / the Old Uighur language / la langue ouïgoure ancienne / die altuigurische Sprache / de Oud-Oeigoerse taal

(These Old Uighur links were checked and updated on January 4, 2004)


Tughluq (1996): "For a native Uighur, Uzbek and Kazakh languages are easily understood; he doesn't need a translator to exchange ideas with an Uzbek or Kazakh as far as spoken language is concerned. The same Uighur person will have difficulty in understanding a native Turk or an Azeri in the beginning, but if he or she is willing to listen to a couple of audio tapes and make little effort in learning, they are capable of learning the language in a very short time."